Maurice Ravel, Marcel Marnat, Paris, Arthème Fayard, 1986
Ravel, Man and Musician [EN], Arbie Orenstein, New York, Columbia University Press, 1975
Maurice Ravel Lettres Ecrits et Entretiens, Arbie Orenstein, Paris, Flammarion, 1989
Ravel [EN], Roger Nichols, Newhaven and London, Yale University Press, 2011
Ravel, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Paris, Rieder, 1939
Maurice Ravel, Léon-Paul Fargue, Paris, Fata Morgana, 1949
Au piano avec Maurice Ravel, Marguerite Long, Julliard, 1971
Ravel. Souvenirs de Manuel Rosenthal, Marcel Marnat, Paris, Fernand Hazan, 1995
Les Forêts de Ravel, Michel Bernard, Paris, Gallimard, Collection Vermillon, La Table Ronde, 2014